

Currently, is used for CI of the docs. Before submitting changes, test the make command in a separate environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate trainer_env

# Remove the old auto-generated docs
rm -rf ./documentation_source/modules

# Generating docs from code
sphinx-apidoc.exe ./trainer/ -o ./documentation_source/modules

# Compiling the docs
make html

If this throws warnings or errors, won’t be able to publish the docs.

The following list summarizes a few helpful tips for writing docs.

\[\frac{ \sum_{t=0}^{N}f(t,k) }{N}\]

Writing Tests

  • Inline-tests (those defined inside docstrings) should not have side-effects.

Tutorials inside the repo

  • Do not use jupyter notebooks because of problems with git versioning

  • Should be testable without preparing data by hand where possible.

Uploading to PyPi by hand

python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/* # The asterisk is important

Development Web GUI

The next version will make a shot at rapid programming using Flexx.

Install the debugger extension for your browser of choice, we recommend Microsoft Edge: